Foreign exchange student Goldie Blair is napping in a hotel room when a loud noise from the television set suddenly jolts her awake. Startled, Goldie sits bolt upright and begins fumbling around for a light switch or a lamp. As soon as her feet hit the floor a strong current of electricity seems to shoot through her body. She clamps her legs together and stands ramrod straight with arms by sides and fingers pointing outward from the wrists. "Kissy Doll activated." Goldie says in a halting, robot-like voice. "Kissy Doll ready for orders." She pauses, appearing to listen to commands which emanate from the TV set, and then announces: "Kissy Doll must walk." For the next several minutes she makes kissing noises with her mouth while lurching about the room in a jerky, stiff-legged manner. Periodically her unseen master instructs her to freeze so that he can issue another order, each one more demeaning than the previous. As time progresses we see a naked Goldie traipsing across the carpet, turning in circles, blowing air kisses, shaking her butt, and jiggling her breasts. The rhythm of her actions grows increasingly frenetic. All of a sudden something seems to short circuit inside of her and she begins going through the motions at an even faster rate of speed. Finally, her whole system overloads and Goldie collapses to the floor with arms and legs akimbo. Via closed circuit television in a different room of the hotel a mad inventor stares in disbelief at the smoking wreckage of his newest doll. Obviously his remote control technology is not yet a suitable application for the human body..
Watch Robodoll Destruction at TanyaVOD now!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Coral Isle Freeze
On June 7, 1968 a restless hippie chick named Amber (played by Amber Michaels) decides to hitchhike from Omaha, Nebraska to San Francisco. Within an hour she is riding in the passenger seat of a blue MG convertible and laughing into the wind as the car speeds across Interstate 80 toward the West Coast. Forty years later, almost to the day, Tanya Graham (played by Tanya Danielle) of Iola, Kansas quits her job, puts all of her belongings into storage, and heads to Hollywood to chase her dreams of becoming an actress. After several days aboard a Greyhound bus she finally arrives at a small roadside motel on Hollywood Boulevard, the exact location where Amber had landed nearly half a century earlier. An old man at the front desk greets Tanya warmly. "Welcome to the Coral Isle." he says. Momentarily perplexed, she gazes back at him and wonders if she has ventured into the wrong establishment. She thought that she had made reservations at a place of a different name. The elderly gentleman comes around the counter to take her bags and she quickly forgets her confusion as he engages her in conversation about her state of origin and her hometown. The next few days pass in a whirlwind of activity as the eager actress meets casting agents and contacts numerous photographers about updating her portfolio. Their abrasive personalities sometimes overwhelm her. "This is a rough city." the kindly night manager warns her on more than one occasion when he sees her dejected face. "Lots of shifty characters around these parts." Tanya gets the feeling that he thinks she should go home. She refuses to consider the notion. On an unseasonably blustery night Tanya awakens from a deep sleep. Strong winds are causing the windows in her room to rattle. Flickering images illuminate her surroundings and she realizes that she has left the television on. During a groggy search for the remote control the disoriented Kansan discovers a vintage postcard lying beneath the bed. It bears the date of July 14, 1968. Before Tanya can collect her thoughts she feels a strange substance melt from the card onto her fingertips. Her lips part in surprise and all of a sudden her entire body freezes in place. The Earth shakes, kaleidoscopic images swirl about her head, and an overpowering centrifugal force begins to transport her away. Soon Tanya and Amber, two busty blondes from radically different generations, are standing face to face in an arcane dimension of the universe. The magic postcard holds the key to their fate. The ladies realize that they must harness its power to try and return to their respective places in history. Will they succeed or will they remain frozen forever in a realm unfettered by the constraints of time??
Watch Coral Isle Freeze at now!
Amber Michaels,
freeze video,
freeze videos,
Tanya Danielle
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The omnipresent Mrs. Johnson oversees her pleasant suburban neighborhood with a combination of bitterness, disapproval, and anger. None of the local residents can understand how she persuaded the owner of the corner market, Apu, to let her start working behind the counter at his shop. Many people now avoid the place during her shifts. Unlike her sensitive neighbors blithe, friendly Tanya Danielle has no intention of allowing Mrs. Johnson to interfere with her daily routine. Each morning she bounces into the store with a smile on her face and a gleam in her eye. Mrs. Johnson glowers unabashedly as the comely blonde prepares coffee and brings it to the register. On January 12, 2012 Mrs. Johnson surprises Tanya by smiling at her while she counts out her change. Wonders never cease. After returning home Tanya reflects on the incident as she sips her freshly made beverage. It takes a few minutes but she gradually becomes aware that the java drink tastes slightly different than usual. Much later - long after her body has frozen permanently into a statue - Tanya realizes that the redoubtable Mrs. Johnson must have slipped a chemical agent into her coffee.. Will Tanya's body remain frozen for all of eternity? Exactly who will be the person to discover her in this petrified, defenseless state?? Watch Frozen Latte at to find out now!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Frozen Forever : Cemetery Sylph

Fitzroy McSimmons lives in a mobile home community called the Lone Palm Trailer Lodge. Often he refers to himself as the Lone Wolf at the Lone Palm. Most evenings he relaxes on the front porch of his double-wide trailer and gazes out at the rambling grounds of the old cemetery which border his own little plot of land. Occasional visitors to the McSimmons residence usually recoil at the sight of the crumbling graveyard on Fitzroy's doorstep. This puzzles Fitzroy. He cannot fathom his guests' uneasiness because he views the cemetery as a place of respect, the final resting spot for hundreds of beloved individuals to lie in peace next to their kinfolk. Fitzroy deeply appreciates his underground neighbors. Each night he toasts their eternal presence with a few appropriate words and a swig from his beer can. Lately, however, the self-proclaimed Lone Wolf has been feeling the urge to interact with other living, breathing humans. On a fateful Tuesday afternoon he pulls on a pair of well-worn cowboy boots and trudges over to the Vagabond Tavern where he finds a seat close to the front door. The Vagabond caters to a rough clientele and Fitzroy never knows when an unwelcome face from his past might resurface. He likes to position himself near an exit in case he needs to make a quick getaway. When his eyes adjust to the darkness the Lone Wolf signals the bartender and orders a Guinness. At that moment he notices an absolutely stunning Asian woman sitting at a table in the back of the room. He can't take his eyes off of her. "Who is that amazing creature?" he asks the bartender. "Don't know.. " the gruff old biker says in a droll monotone. "but she must be the adventurous type if she is coming in here." After one shot of Jameson and two more beers Fitzroy decides to approach the beguiling stranger. He finds her surprisingly easy to talk to and wonders where she has been all of his life. Eventually he learns that she is an author named Akira who is gathering background information for a screenplay that she is writing. "It's about a gangster and his girlfriend who are running from the law." she tells him. "They end up in lots of shady establishments." Fitzroy chuckles. "You've definitely come to the right place if you are researching shady establishments." he says. Akira starts laughing along with him and Fitzroy feels an unexpected rush of delight spread across his insides and sink into his soul. He knows that he must keep this woman, keep her forever. A brazen idea occurs to him. "I have a friend in the movie business." he tells her. "He might be a good connection for you, help you generate some interest in your screenplay. Would you like to meet him? You can visit his studio and audition for a part in the new movie that he is producing. Lots of industry bigwigs will be there." Initially Akira balks at the notion because she is not an actress. Fitzroy keeps encouraging her to come rub shoulders with the various executives who will be arriving in town to collaborate on the project. "Just use your beauty to get their attention." he says reasonably. " Then you can tell them all about your script. Maybe you will find a backer." Soon he and Akira agree upon a date for her to do a screen test for his producer friend. The following morning Fitzroy calls the friend. "I'm bringing a beautiful lady to see you, Walter." he says. "Just pretend it's an audition. All you have to do is ask her to put on a particular bracelet and recite a few lines of dialogue. I'll be there to pick her up when she is done." Walter readily agrees. He and Fitzroy have known each other for a long time and he owes his pal some big favors... 24 hours later: Shortly before 10am Fitzroy retrieves a plastic bracelet given to him by his grandmother. It looks like a throwaway flea market purchase, but in actuality the weathered trinket has the power to turn the flesh of its wearer into stone. He brings it to Walter's studio and leaves it for Akira. Initially his plan works perfectly. The surface of Akira's skin quickly morphs into a glossy, flawless expanse of marble when she dons the bracelet and utters her lines. Fitzroy ignores the shocked reactions of Walter's crew because he knows that Walter will force them to keep their silence. After transporting Akira's frozen form back to his trailer he can barely separate himself from her beautiful body long enough to eat or sleep. Days pass. Fitzroy lives in utter bliss until a shocking phone call interrupts his activities. "They are looking for her." Walter's voice rasps over the line. "The FBI and the local fuzz are going door to door and.. " Fitzroy slams down the receiver before Walter has a chance to finish speaking. Decades of alternative living enable Fitzroy to shift mental gears very quickly during a crisis. He decides on a course of action and then waits for night to fall. Much later, under the glow of a crescent-shaped moon, he creeps out of his trailer and places his cherished new statue amongst the century-old figurines and burial markers which populate the graveyard next door. "No one will find you here, sweetheart." he tells Akira as he plants a soft kiss on her smooth, well-shaped stone lips. "I'll bring you home as soon as it is safe.. "
See the photos and watch the video of Frozen Forever - Take 1 starring Akira Lane at now!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Single, White, and Frozen

Scheming pervert Tanya Danielle travels throughout the United States to lure unsuspecting women into her clutches. She has created a baneful potion which freezes humans, turning them into mannequins. She cleverly hides this elixir inside a regular perfume bottle and spritzes it on her intended targets once she has them cornered. Over the years she has amassed a small collection of frozen women in each major American city. She uses them as sex toys and rents them out to paying customers for that very purpose. Now Tanya is branching off into smaller towns. She moves to Tenaha, Texas and places an ad in the local newspaper which reads: "Single, white female seeking same to share spacious 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom apt. on South side of town. Rent is $400 per month. Utilities included. Non-smoker preferred." To Tanya's delight a lady with a charming British accent phones on the very first day of the ad's publication. The woman identifies herself as Goldie Blair and asks to come see the apartment. Of course Tanya invites her over right away. Within ten minutes the hapless Goldie has become the very latest addition to Tanya's menagerie of frozen sex dolls..
Buy Single, White, and Frozen at now!
freeze video,
Goldie Blair,
Tanya Danielle
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Pat's Reign of Terror

Pat (played by Tanya Danielle) does not take rejection lightly. She goes nuts when a woman rebuffs her attempts at either romance or friendship. Sure, she looks mild-mannered and timid with her unflattering haircut, thick glasses, and ill-fitting clothing, but her outward appearance belies the seething hatred that Pat harbors deep within her soul. Pat likes to make women pay if they get a little too uppity with her. She spends untold hours, days, and weeks in her basement concocting strange potions that will enable her to control the minds of the women who have hurt her feelings. Jewell Marceau has grated on Pat's nerves for some time now. It's as if Jewell does not even notice that Pat is alive even though they work for the same company. Of course Pat does what she always does: she sets out to poison Jewell with a noxious substance that will cause her to lose all control of her muscles and end up frozen, completely and utterly at Pat's mercy!! Join to watch Pat continuing her reign of terror as she "freezes" yet another beautiful, unsuspecting woman..
freeze video,
Jewell Marceau,
Tanya Danielle
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Photos from "Stripper Freeze"

Roommates Zoe Britton and Tanya Danielle dance at the same club. Lately they have not been getting along very well. Zoe has been playing Tanya's music on stage and also trying to steal Tanya's regular customers. The tension has reached a fever pitch between the two women and Tanya knows that she must take drastic measures to curb Zoe's behavior. On a given Saturday she is browsing through a resale shop in gritty downtown Los Angeles. She comes across a peculiar silver belt and she examines it with interest. The wizened old proprietress who runs the store notices Tanya's fixation with the belt and she explains to the blonde that the belt has magical powers: its owner can use the belt to temporarily paralyze other people! Tanya scarcely believes her, but for some reason she coughs up $50 to buy it. She decides to test it out on Zoe when she next has an opportunity. After all, she can always just laugh and pretend she was joking if the belt does not work. Several days later she has a chance to try immobilizing Zoe. It works! Tanya repeatedly freezes and unfreezes Zoe and starts to slowly formulate a plan in which she will pimp out the frozen Zoe to paying customers who want to enjoy the sultry brunette's beautiful body!
Buy Stripper Freeze at now!
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