New at DeviantDownloads.com: Goldie Blair Frozen! - Set 3
Goldie Blair walks into her hotel room. She does not notice the presence of an intruder as she prepares to unwind after a long day. All of a sudden Goldie becomes aware of the strange interloper and she blurts out: "Oh my God--- ." Goldie takes a few steps backward but begins moving slower and slower. She is losing control of her body! She attempts to speak but her words come out slower and slower as well. Her behavior resembles that of a toy robot - extremely stiff and mechanical. As Goldie winds down into a permanently frozen position she manages to say: "Medusa -- stop -- I can't -- I can't move I'm turning -- I'm turning --iiiiiiiiiiiiintooooooooo ssssstooooooooo--." She freezes into place looking confused with her hands waist-level in front of her, in a "stop"-type pose. (Four one-minute clips.)
Buy the Goldie Blair Frozen series at DeviantDownloads.com now!
XO Tanya
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