Stacy Burke's agent, Cam, booked her for a modeling gig. Cam was a little sketchy on the details, but told Stacy that he had "checked the photographer out" and everything should be fine. Stacy experienced a bit of apprehension about the upcoming shoot for some reason, yet she felt confident that she could take care of herself if anything were to go awry. She showed up at the given location at the appointed time and was immediately taken aback when the photographer refused to speak to her. He maintained a steadfast silence as she attempted to communicate with him. Even more oddly, he kept his camera in front of his face from the moment that she walked in the door and merely gestured repeatedly for her to pick up a folded piece of paper off the floor. Finally Stacy just rolled her eyes and bent to retrieve it. A gelatinous substance oozed off the paper when she unfolded it. Stacy recoiled, but her eyes remained riveted to the page of hastily scrawled words which read: "DEAR STACY: THIS PAPER HAS BEEN POISONED YOU ARE TURNING INTO A BLOW UP DOLL." Stacy dropped the page to the floor and fixed a sneering gaze on the photographer through the lens of his camera. "You have got to be kidding me.. " she began to say. All of a sudden Stacy had the peculiar sensation that her feet were becoming rooted to the floor. Then her arms stiffened. And then her facial expression began to freeze. Within moments she felt her lips pucker into the pouty, exaggerated formation of the letter "O"...
Buy the entire Blow-up Doll series at DeviantDownloads.com now!
XO Tanya
this better mean that stacy burke will be in more freeze videos. she is hot. the freeze the better
I just shot some new freeze videos with Stacy a few weeks ago!
XO Tanya
hey you finally replied to me.
thank you i am such a huge fan. you are beautiful.
can i make a suggestion?
i think you should try and show the frozen subject longer. i noticed some videos has the frozen girl just for the last 30 seconds. If she is frozen for a longer time trust me, you will have even higher sales.
Hi Eric,
Thank you so much for your kind words and for the suggestion. Ideally, how long do you think the model should stay frozen?
XO Tanya
I can not believe im actually having a conversation with the very hot Tanya Danielle. Your the best.
The truth is that freeze fans expect to see frozen girls for the majority of the length of the video.(or at least half of the video)
You know you don't need to show a woman get frozen just once. she could be frozen on and off, on and off. you could use a stopwatch or a remote as a freeze tool.
Trust me there is a huge freeze market out there.
Hi Eric,
Thank you for the pointers. I will implement them in my upcoming shoots :)
XO Tanya
I love the Doll series of videos
Its very hard to find such material on the web.
I have purchased all the Doll and freeze statue/stone videos and I love them great work!
(if I may could I pass on a sugestion, could you try a Blow-Up Doll hypno/magic story?
All you would need for example is a gold/skin colour lycra catsuit, perhaps undressing from casual into the costume and then laying on the bed posed once the magic does its thing?)
This kind of fetish is growing fast on the web and there isnt much of it about.
All the best :)
A fan.
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