Tanya Danielle receives an invitation to attend an art show. On the given evening she arrives at the venue only to find it mysteriously deserted. "Is anyone here?" she calls out. No response. Puzzled, she looks around and notices an assortment of beverages on a table. She grabs one and takes a large swallow. The taste of it completey disgusts her and she can barely keep herself from spitting it out. After she forces it down her throat she realizes that a man is standing in the room with her. She speaks to him but he will not answer. Her alarm begins to mount and she wonders who could have sent her the invitation to this art show. She decides she should leave, but then her eye is drawn to an assortment of cards lying on the floor. Each one bears a name on the front of it - one of the names is hers. Tanya slowly picks up the card with her name and unfolds it. Before she can read it she feels a tingling sensation emanating from her throat and spreading throughout her body. Her muscles becom rigid. She tries to move, but she can't. Terror fills her soul. "Wh -- what's happening to me?" she cries out to the mysterious man in the room. "What did you do to me -- that drink, what did you put in that drink? My legs, they're, they're hard, what is this, I feel like I'm freezing solid. What are you doing to me? Are you -- are you turning me into a statue?". As she loses the last of the muscle control in her jaw she manages to utter a few final, horror-filled words: "Dooooon't -- doooon't dooooooooo thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis... "
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